The scholarly and methodological journal The World of Russian Word (Mir russkogo slova) is an informational organ of the Russian Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (ROPRYAL).
The journal is registered by the Russian Federation Ministry for Printing, TV and Radio Broadcasting, and Mass-Media Communications at September 11th, 2000 (certificate ПИ № ФС77-30539, date of issue December 12th, 2007).
ISSN 1811–1629
The journal comes out quarterly since 2000, publishing theoretical and methodological articles on actual problems of linguistics, linguocultural studies, literary studies, teaching methodology of Russian as a native, non-native and foreign language. It also presents materials of round-tables and conferences on the questions of speech culture, mass-media speech practice, etc. All incoming articles are to be blind-reviewed.
Our authors are well-known Russian and foreign specialists in Russian Studies, leading methodologists, practicing teachers, postgraduate students, employees of educational institutions and non-governmental organizations, writers, authors of textbooks, manuals, distance learning courses and dictionaries.
The journal is included into
– Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), and is represented in Scientific Electronic Library;
– Scientific Electronic Library CyberLeninka.