The 13th MAPRAYAL Congress «Russian Language and Literature in the Space of World Culture» (September 13–20, 2015, Granada, Spain)
Anatoliy V. Zhukov
On Idioms Motivation and Deducibility
The article covers the meaning of the terms deducibility and motivation in the narrow sense of phraseology.
Keywords: idiom, motivation, deducibility, inner form, semantic residuality, idiomaticity.
Irina N. Zavyazkina
The Post-Modernism Tendencies of the Modern Toponym Formation (on the Example of the Tea Shop’s and Tea Club’s Names)
The paper covers the features of the modern stage of the tea shop and tea club toponym formation and determines the main tendencies of the process development. One of the tendencies is focusing on the post-modernism poetics. The modern toponym formation demonstrates such features of the post-modernism poetics as fragmentation, inaccuracy, ambiguity, carnivalesque, intertextuality, irony and etc.
Keywords: toponym, tea, toponym formation, post-modernism, intertextuality.
Dmitry I. Ivanov
Verbal Component of the Synthetic Language Personality: the Specifics of Functioning of Conceptual Phrases
The article covers the main mechanisms of forming and the specifics of functioning of the system of key conceptual phrases in the structure of the verbal component of the synthetic language personality. Such component is formed in the area of countercultural epoch of Russian rock.
Keywords: synthetic language personality, verbal component, aphoristic conceptual phrase, rock culture.
Elena N. Strelchuk
Questions Speech Culture Abroad: the Past and the Present
The article represents the conclusions concerning the term «speech culture» and the topical problems connected with the term in various states, proposing a short excursus in the history and giving the analysis of contemporary literature and talks with teachers of Asian and European countries.
Keywords: speech culture, terms and concepts, different countries.
Lyudmila N. Kolesnikova
Rhetoric Personality
The article covers the relevance of the topic, the features of rhetoric, the evolution of the concept of «linguistic identity». A hierarchical model of linguistic identity is proposed, investigation «rhetoric personality» and «rhetoric model of personality» are introduced and analyzed.
Keywords: rhetoric education, rhetoric culture, rhetoric person.
Lillia R. Duskaeva, Natalia S. Tsvetova
Intentionality and Stylistic and Speech Image of Leisure Media Discourse
The article represents the attempt to outline the intentional-stylistic approach to the analysis of media texts. The point of the approach: first, it is set specificity of the semantic structure of discourse by defining semantic dominants. The dominants become clear by discourse outlining the subject content and by setting the subject content modality purpose to express (represent) the speech tendencies in the form of opinions, desires and beliefs. The analysis of verbal expression declared semantic dominants shows the stylistic and verbal identity, or an intentional style of a media discourse.
Keywords: media text, semantic structure, propositional content and modality of media text, semantic dominants, intentional style.
Inna Yu. Artemova
Speech Tactics in Semiotic Space of Public Discourse of Television Format
The paper covers the approach to defining the communicative unit of indirect communication in interpersonal public discourse of television format. The concept of “illocutionary speech tactic” is introduced. The functional variant of such a tactic is examined as a “tactic of indefiniteness”, represented by metaphor.
Keywords: interpersonal public discourse, indirect communication, illocutionary speech tactics, metaphor, semiotic personality.
Alexander V. Kalashnikov
The Story of Griselda from “The Decameron” in Translations into Russian (to 700-th Anniversary of G. Boccaccio)
The article covers the translations into Russian of “The Decameron” by Boccaccio and represents the features of the piece of writing. The analysis of several translations into Russian of the story of the peasant woman Griselda embodying humanism of the Renaissance is accentuated. The comparison of figurative expressions in the translations into Russian allows the author to conclude that literal translation tends to use such expressions fewer unlike loose translation. The use of phrases not matching stylistically the same components in the source text makes translation inaccurate and therefore is considered irrelevant.
Keywords: Boccaccio, The Decameron, Story of Griselda, translation, set expressions.
Maris I. Mednis
The Genre of a Comic Aphorism and Its Evolution in the Russian Periodical Press of the 20th Century
The article covers aphorism, a difficult genre to observe. The aphorisms took place in Russian comic journals of the 20th century just as others small humorous texts. The author concludes the comedic edge of the aphorisms can be designed in many ways; one of them is the use of the ambiguous words and notes that during the 20th century the percent of such texts gets is many times higher, while the subject becomes more various. Thus, the authors assumes a whole direction in the evolution of small comic texts, the description and understanding of the direction could make a figure in studying history and specifics of Russian humor.
Keywords: aphorism, periodicals, humor, small genres.
Natalia A. Volodko
Language Game with Proper Names in Modern Satirists Prose
The article covers the typology of receptions of language game with proper names in satirists’s pieces of writing of the end of the XX-th and the beginning of the XXI-st century (M. Zadornov, M. Zhvanetsky, E. Smolin, S. Altov). A functional role of receptions of language game with personal names, place names and others names in the art text is represented as well.
Keywords: language game, proper names, satire language
Nadezhda A. Azarenko
The Linguistic Realization of “Love, the Divine Feeling” and “Hatred, the Diabolical Feeling”, Author’s Metaphoric Patterns in Fyodor M. Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment”
The article covers the linguistic representation of Crime and Punishment “Love, the divine feeling” and “Hatred, the diabolical feeling” orthodox metaphors. The authors concludes that by deciphering the metaphoric pattern, relevant to the author’s plan, not only Dostoevsky’s Orthodox world view than can be analyzed, but the very sense he had intended for the readers via the first novel of the “Great Pentateuch”.
Keywords: cognitive metaphor, metaphoric patterns, world view.
Alexandra N. Smirnova
Quasisymbols and Quasistandards in Fiction (On Evgeniy Grishkovets’ Texts)
The article covers quasisymbols and quasistandards which have been under study recently. These are the speech constructions in the meanings that are typical of the epoch and the area of use. The character of their sense became apparent in Evgeniy Grishkovets’ fiction. The fiction is characterized by specific narration manner that is close to nowadays everyday communication.
Keywords: natural language, everyday communication, language of culture, quasisymbols, quasistandards.
Fedor I. Pankov
Functional-Communicative Grammar and National Linguistic World Picture
The article covers the link between lexical, morphological and syntactic phenomena, on the one hand, and the peculiarities of the Russian world picture, such as the semantic universals of time, space, cause and state, on the other hand. The ability of a language to reflect extralinguistic reality makes the national linguistic world picture which should be taken into account in the process of language teaching. The data borrowed from Russian are being compared to that of other languages.
Keywords: functional-communicative grammar, linguistic world picture.
Igor V. Rouzhitskiy, Ekaterina V. Potyomkina
The Problem of the Formation of a Bilingual Personality in Linguodidactics
The article covers the analysis of the phenomenon of bilingualism as it relates to linguodidactics and the theory of language personality (by Yuriy N. Karaulov). The detailed analysis of the structural differences between language personality and the secondary language personality is given, the model of the formation of a bilingual personality is described. The question of developing a method of forming a student’s bilingual personality based on the literary text using on the lessons of the Russian as a foreign language is set.
Keywords: language personality, bilingualism, the secondary language personality, literary text.
Galina M. Vasilyeva, Yan Lyu
Dynamics of Lexico-Semantic Group of Individuals Denomination According to Profession: Linguocultural and Linguomethodical aspects
The article covers the goals of teaching vocabulary to Chinese students of Philology and is devoted to the linguoculturological potential of denomination of individuals according to their profession, which is implemented in their cultural markedness, historical informational capacity, axiological markedness and the relevance in the texts of fiction and publicism.
Keywords: cultural linguistics, linguoculturological potential, culturological value of a word, historical informational capacity axiological markedness, denomination individuals according to profession, dynamics of lexico-semantic group of individuals denomination according to profession.
Rimma M. Teremova
Interactive and Communicative Component of Russian as a Foreign Language Textbook and Its Implementation in Teaching Process
The article considers implementation of interactivity mode in teaching process. The author demonstrates that Russian as A Foreign Language Textbook is a script of a teaching process. It organizes students’ speech activity and is to merge students into Russian Language and speech culture sphere of concepts and forms thesaurus and single strategy of interaction.
Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, interactivity mode.
Alexander L Kouznetsov, Maria N. Kozhevnikova
The Role of Information Area in Forming Learners’ Interest in the Russian History (On “Russian Names In the World Map” textbook )
The article covers different ways of attracting Russian and foreign learners’ interest to the study of the Russian history. The authors’ research lays in the field of modern consciousness, formed by the internet and other electronic sources of information, they also discuss the possibility of using thus features in creating text-books of a new generation. A new book “Russian Names In the World Map” is set as an example.
Keywords: Russian history, internet, motivation, patriotism.
Unal Kerami
Difficulties of the Turkish Students in Russian Gender Studying
The article covers category of grammar gender widely spread in Russian language, while semantic criteria are not enough for understanding of its complicated essence. The author considers it necessary to analyze all the linguistics facts related to the category. It is proved the form but not the meaning is to be the determinant while teaching Russian Language.
Keywords: category of grammar gender, teaching Russian Language for Turkish students.
V. I. Pankov
Distinguished Professor of Moscow State University Maia V. Vsevolodova’s Anniversary
T. V. Matveeva —
Duskaeva L. R. Dialogicheskaya priroda gazetnykh rechevykh zhanrov / Pod red. M. N. Kozhinoy. 2-e izd., ispr. i dop. SPb.: Filol. fakul’tet SPbGU, 2012. — 274 s.
A. I. Dunev, V. D. Chernyak
Traditional meeting of spectialists in Russian language and literature
S. G. Korkonosenko
Russian Media studies in the world context. The results of the cycle of scientific conferences.
A. V. Ivanova, K. A. Rogova
Leading Russian libraries
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