State Culture Policy Fundamentals
8th Russian World Assembly
Russian World Ist Pedagogical Forum and IVth ROPRYAL Congress “Dynamics of Language and Cultural Process in Modern Russia”
Resolution of Ist Pedagogical Forum of the Russian World and IVth ROPRYAL Congress
Decree «About preservation and development of the Russian language, enhancement of its role in the area of the International cultural and humanitarian relations»
Marina Yu. Sidorova
Functional and Semantic Nouns Classification, Relevant to Communicative Grammar Aims
The article presents a functional and semantic classification of nouns in the framework of Galina. A. Zolotova’s communicative grammar. The classification corresponds to the list of Russian noun case syntaxemes compiled by Galina A. Zolotova and to the matrix of sentence models in the same concept. Some cognitive characteristics of noun meanings resulting from the scientific and technical development of modern society and their perception by a man are taken into account in this classification.
Keywords: communicative grammar, Russian language, nouns, classification, syntaxeme.
Mikhail Ya. Dymarsky
Functional Sentence Perspective and Intonation Pattern of the Russian Speech Model {Так вот + [вопр. предл.]!}
The work is based on the original concept of three-level system of syntactic models, i. e. 1) basic language models (cf. “N1 Vf” — “Самолет летит” / “The jet flies” which provides a number of communicative variations), 2) speech syntactic models (cf. “Это / N1 Vf” — “Это / самолет летит” / [there is no straight English equivalent, ≈ “This is a jet flying”], where the functional sentence perspective and the word order are partly fixed, since Это may function only as the theme and always occupies the first place), and 3) utterance models (cf. “{вводн.когн. [(А, Так) это // N1 \ Vf!]}” — “А, так это, оказывается, // самолет \ летит!” / ≈ “Ah, so this is // a jet \ flying!”, where the functional sentence perspective, the word order and the certain words are strongly fixed which makes the model ready to function in a strictly prescribed type of communicative situations). The paper deals with a fragment of the microsystem of Russian identifying speech and utterance models. Against the background of a short general characteristics of the model “{Так вот + [вопр. предл.]!}” (“Так вот где таилась погибель моя!” ≈ “So this is where my death was hiding!”; “Так вот о чем ты думаешь!” ≈ “So this is what you’re thinking about!”) its functional sentence perspective and its intonation pattern are considered which possess some fixed features: metathesis of the theme and the rheme, the emphatic character of the rheme accent falling on the fusion “ВОТ + вопр.-отн. мест.”. The cases of deviation from this prototype: the emergence of secondary accents at the theme components — and the reasons for such deviations are analyzed.
Keywords: three-level system of syntactic models, basic language model, speech syntactic model, utterance model, identifying utterances, functional sentence perspective, intonation pattern.
Olga Yu. Avdevnina
Structural and Semantic Peculiarities and Cognitive Potential of Nominative Constructions with “вот” (“here is”)
The nominative constructions with “вот” (“here is”) specificity is that its origin and functioning is connected with the linguistic representation of the psychological process of the perception. The perceptual conditionality of these units determines grammatical interpretation and cognitive content, in particular, its participation in the forming of the linguistic and artistic picture of the world.
Keywords: perception, deixis, nominative construction, demonstrative article, nomination.
Marina A. Droga
The Proper Noun in a Newspaper (on Russian compound names material)
The article is devoted to the study of a proper noun which is a part of a composite name. The analysis of newspaper texts has shown that proper noun as a component of a composite category in the headlines of newspaper articles is rather frequent. Proper names in this case can be signs of famous people, great events and to act as a source of precedent.
Keywords: newspaper language, headline, proper noun, case name, compound names.
Svetlana N. Glazkova
Chanson in Media: Destruction of Culture or Tradition?
The article deals with an extraordinary popularity of chanson nowdays. This phenomenon is interpreted in linguacultural aspect. National identity of chanson is examined. Chanson repertoire is compared with Russian folk songs.
Keywords: chanson, folklore genres, Russian linguistic consciousness, popular culture.
Evgenia V. Andryuschenko
Lexical Collocations of Synonymous Adjectives мокрый, влажный, сырой
The article provides a case study into synonymous adjectives мокрый, влажный, сырой functioning in speech. From literary texts the author singles out various thematic groups of nouns with which these adjectives can combine.
Keywords: synonymous adjectives, lexical collocations, thematic groups of nouns, literary texts.
Karina N. Galay, Anna V. Zhuchkova
The Typological Classification and the Symbolical Value of Anthropomorphous Images of the Frog Prince and Tsarevna Frog
Animalistic images play an important role in mythology, folklore and literature. Some types of animalistic images are allocated: zoomorfny images, anthropomorphous images, characters werewolves and turning-around heroes. Images of Tsarevna Frog from a Russian fairy tale and the Frog Prince from a German fairy tale don’t correspond to this typology. We come to a conclusion that its psychological and philosophical symbolical value is substantial quality of the image in fairy tales.
Keywords: animalistic images, zoomorphism, anthropomorphism, oborotnichestvo, reversing, personal growth, egoism.
Iuliia A. Voronina
Anton P. Chekhov’s Short Story “Student” in the Italian audience
The article is devoted to the stylistic analysis of Anton P. Chekhov’s short story “Student”, as a tale based on the observation of the functioning of linguistic resources. The work allows us to follow the formation of the meaning of a text and to analyze the translation of the tale into Italian in view of its submission to the Italian audience. The Italian translator of the tale is Alfredo Polledro (1956): his translation is characterized by maximum lexical precision, but needs the support of a wider lexical and semantic analysis of untranslatable words and Church Slavonic vocabulary during the learning process.
Keywords: composition of the tale, semantic analysis, church Slavonic words, Italian translation, linguistic and cultural analysis, untranslatable words.
Darya A. Shchukina
Travelling along “The Russian Switzerland”
The paper deals with some peculiarities of the text narrating about a travel, fiction and documental description parameters are being singled out. The modern writer Mikhail Shishkin’s book “The Russian Switzerland” is introduced with the support on information analysis inserted by the means of citation and other intertextual inclusions.
Keywords: travelling, fiction and documental description, citation, intertextual inclusions.
Evgeny M. Matveev, Milyausha G. Sharikhina
Mikhail V. Lomonosov’s Poetic Language: the Problems of Lexicographical Description of Semantics
The article focuses on some problems of meta-language semantic description of Mikhail V. Lomonosov’s poetic language. A list of labels relevant for Mikhail V. Lomonosov’s poetics used in Lomonosov’s language dictionary can de divided into two groups. The first one describes figurative meanings of the particular word (four tropes are included here — metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche and antonomasia). The second one describes figurative contexts (extended tropes such as periphrasis, hyperbole, irony) and figurative language phenomenа which are not tropes (some types of personification, simile, allegory, myth).
Keywords: poetic language, trope, rhetoric, historical dictionary, figurative meaning, label.
Sergey M. Pronchenko
Proper Nouns Types and Their Functions in the Cycle of «The Tales about Italy» By Maxim Gorky
The article is devoted to the onomastics of a literary text. It considers the typology of proper names and their functions on the material of the series «The Tales about Italy», created by the outstanding Russian writer Maxim Gorky (1868–1936).The study reflects the results of the applying of the systematic approach to the study of Gorky’s names and reveals the paradigmatic and syntagmatic aspects of their analysis.
Keywords: M. Gorky, poetonyms, the systematic approach, syntagmatics, paradigmatics.
Oksana S. Gavrilova
Metadevice as a Primary Means of Regulativity in the Prose Texts of Marina I. Tsvetaeva
The article considers the features of prose art Marina I. Tsvetaeva, based on the definition system. Attention is paid to the principle of thinking of the poet. Such concepts as definition, art definition, metadevice, regulativity are defined. Based on selected features of Marina I. Tsvetaeva’s style and thinking, there is a large reservoir of metadevice of the prose texts which define the concepts related to creativity, the creative process, the emotional world of the poet. These metadevices not only guide the movement of the thoughts of the reader, but also serve a regulatory function in the prose of Marina I. Tsvetaeva.
Keywords: creativity, the definition of art definition, metadevice, regulativity.
Svetlana V. Vyatkina
Syntactic Peculiarities of the Novel about Teen-disabled (Mariam Petrosyan. “The House in which…”)
This article analyses syntactic peculiarities of Mariam Petrosyan’s novel that present text closeness to spoken discourse and generate teen-disabled psychological portrait.
Keywords: 1st person narrative, narrative time, narrator, expressive syntax, text segmentation, spoken discourse.
Irina V. Odintsova
The problem of Object and Subject in Science. Russian as Foreign Language as a Subject of Linguistic Research
Philosophical categories of object and subject of scientific activity are analyzed in the article. The linguistic aspect of «Russian as a foreign language» is considered as an independent object of linguistic science. The examples proving identity of this subject are given.
Keywords: object, subject, Russian as a foreign language, linguistic aspect.
Alexander V. Korotyshev
In Search of “Adaptation Itinerary”: Preparation of Literary Text for Foreign Language Class
The present article focuses on typical problems arising during implementation of literary texts into the process of language teaching and demonstrates approaches to predicative structure mapping that afford to reveal key conceptual blocks and determine which text elements and to which extent can be subjected to adaptation.
Keywords: adaptation, authenticity, notional milestones, predicative structure, methods of adaptation.
Finalists of Two Festivals Met in Saint Petersburg
Mongolia, Taiwan, Japan: New Rout Sessions of “MAPRYAL to Russian World”
Scientific and Methodological Seminar “Intercultural Competence Development in the Process of Russian Language for Foreigners Teaching”
Timmendorfer Strand 49th Russian Language Seminar (Germany)
Maxim L. Fedorov
«I’ll never see famous “Phaedra”…». To 100-year Anniversary of the Chamber Theatre
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