1. Requirements for the articles
1.1. The journal publishes original theoretical and methodological articles written in Russian language on actual problems of linguistics, linguocultural studies, literary studies, and teaching methodology of Russian as a native, non-native and foreign language.
1.2.In order to be published an article has to
– contain certain novelty of problem and / or approach;
– give correct references to conceptions and scholarly works mentioned in it;
– specify its methodology;
– contain only checked up and reliable facts and quotations;
– satisfy the requirements of academic writing;
– be structured and logical.
1.3. The editorial board accepts articles via e-mail in .doc or .rtf formats. The Illustrations (pictures, diagrams, etc.) have to be send separately in .jpeg or .tiff formats (300 dpi, black and white only; an online publication of full-colour pictures may be separately agreed with the editorial staff). All Illustarions must be numbered and titled and must have reference in the text.
1.4. The article has to contain:
– author information form (download);
– information card of the article (download);
– author’s info (name, affiliation, position, e-mail, etc.) in Russian and English;
– title, summary (300–350 characters with spaces) and keywords (up to 5) in Russian and English;
– author’s photo (contrast .jpeg or .tiff file, not less than 4х5 cm, 300 dpi);
– signed licence agreement (download).
1.5. As a rule, each article may contain no more than 20,000 characters with spaces. The authors should use MS Word generated endnotes for comments. The references are to be put into square brackets: [Ivanov, 2000] or [Petrov, 2005: 56–57] in the article’s body, the works cited have to be presented alphabetically at the end of the article. After the list of cites works prepared using Russian Standard 7.0.5-2008 the author has to add transliterated References (see rules of transliteration, rules for Chinese books references).
1.6. All materials have to be sent via e-mail to the Editorial Staff (editor@ropryal.ru).
1.7. All manuscripts are to be examined once or twice a month at the meetings of editorial board.
2. Peer-reviewing
2.1. Peer-reviewing of the materials is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the editorial board. The editorial board reserves the right to select articles to be published.
2.2. All articles submitted to the editorial board are to be redirected for reviewing to the experts, mostly Doctors of Sciences (Dr.hab.), having publications in the given field of studies in three recent years.
2.3. The reviewers have to be informed that the articles are confidential intellectual property of their authors.
2.4. The reviewer has to evaluate the article’s relevance, novelty, theoretical and / or practical significance, validity of conclusions, and general quality of the text.
2.5. The reviewer draws a conclusion on the article publishing possibility. The authors have to be informed on the reviewing results.
2.6. The timescales for reviewing are determined by the editor-in-chief with due regard to the requirement of the most rapid response to the author.
2.7. Authors of the articles receive the text of the review (without reviewer’s name) or motivated refusal.
2.8. An article generally approved, but needing improvement, has to be send back to its author along with the editorial staff’s comments. After the refinement the article is re-reviewed, and the editorial board decides if it is worth publishing.
2.9. The reviews of the articles approved for publication are to be kept in the editorial office for five years starting from the date of publication.
2.10. The editorial board may submit the copies of reviews upon the request of Russian Ministry of Education and Science and its Higher Attestation Commission.
3. Publication
3.1. Approved articles are to be published in order of arrival in accordance with the amount of the gathered materials in each rubric of the journal.
3.2. The editorial board reserves the right to make formal editorial revisions in the original text of the article.
3.3. The editorial board reserves the right to check up the materials in order to detect plagiarisms.
3.4. While sending the article to the journal for publication, the author agrees to put his / her article and its meta-data (author’s information, e-mail, etc.) on the journal’s website, on the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and on the other open repositories of the science information on the Internet.
3.5. No fee for publication is paid to the author.
3.6. The author receives the .pdf file of the article after its publishing.
4. Concluding remarks
4.1. In order to secure articles’ permanent storage and accessibility the editorial board is obliged to submit journal’s obligatory copies to the Central Institute of Bibliography (National Book Chamber), to transfer meta-data to the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and to keep up journal’s subscription in Rospechat’ catalogue (index # 72396).