Journal’s Subject Matters

The journal publishes original theoretical and methodological articles written in Russian language on actual problems of linguistics, linguocultural studies, literary studies, and methodology of teaching Russian as a native, non-native and foreign language.

All incoming articles are to be blind-reviewed.

Scholarly articles, published in the journal, thematically correspond to the following specialities according to the Russian classification of scientific (scholarly) specialities:

10.00.00 Philological Sciences:
– 10.02.00 Linguistics;
– 10.01.00 Literary Studies;
13.00.00 Pegagogics.

All materials approved to be published in the journal will be distributed into the following rubrics:

Official Materials

Texts of the official documents (laws, instructions, reports, etc.) concerning the items of language and literature studies, pedagogics, culture;

Linguistic Remarks

(10.00.00 Philological Sciences; 10.02.00 Linguistics)

Actual problems of Russian language studies; scholarly articles in the field of linguistics;

Speech Culture

(10.00.00 Philological Sciences; 10.02.00 Linguistics)

Materials devoted to the functioning of language in Russian society, interaction of norm and customary usage, language and speech;

Linguocultural Studies

(10.00.00 Philological Sciences; 10.02.00 Linguistics; 10.01.00 Literary Studies;
13.00.00 Pegagogics)

Materials devoted to the interaction of language and culture, their reflection in literature, as well as questions of using linguocultural theory in teaching language and culture;

Interaction of Language and Literature

(10.00.00 Philological Sciences; 10.02.00 Linguistics; 10.01.00 Literary Studies;
13.00.00 Pegagogics)

Theoretical articles on history and theory of literature, linguistic and literary analysis of artistic text, as well as questions of methodological application of theory;

Russian Language Teaching Methodology

(13.00.00 Pegagogics)

Scholarly and methodological articles written by specialists in methodology, as well as recommendations given by the practitioners, on methodology of teaching Russian (as a native, non-native and foreign) and literature at school and university;

Presenting New Books. Reviews

(10.00.00 Philological Sciences; 10.02.00 Linguistics; 10.01.00 Literary Studies;
13.00.00 Pegagogics)

Reviews and analytical papers on book novelties in the area of linguistics and literary studies, language teaching methodology and adjoining studies, including research monographs, textbooks, manuals, etc.;

Russia… peoples, languages, cultures / Russian World… peoples, languages, cultures

(10.00.00 Philological Sciences; 10.02.00 Linguistics; 10.01.00 Literary Studies;
13.00.00 Pegagogics)

Reviews and analytical articles devoted to the issues of language, history and culture not only of Russia itself, but also of the Russian World as a whole. The journal can also publish methodological learning aids, proved to be helpful in the educational process, e.g. travel diaries representing history, culture, people and events of different places.


Information on universities, museums, libraries and other institutions, providing active research and educational activities in the field of Russian studies. Thematical information on recent and forthcoming events, e.g. conferences, symposia, etc.; announcements and significant dates.